case study - 2020


Redesigning a retail analytics and performance app to improve customer service and employee training
My challenge was to design an engaging, intuitive tool that guides retail managers on making decisions to improve their team’s customer service skills and stores’ sales performance across different regions as a student case study.
My Role
User Research, User Testing, Architecture, Wireframes, Prototyping, Visual Design
Figma, Miro, Zeplin
Device Types
Mobile, Tablet
4 weeks

The Problem

Defining the Challenge

After doing interviewing with retail managers, I discovered current pain points and preferences in their current digital tools for sales analytics and team performances.
Individual vs. Team Performance

“I don't like rating individuals b/c everyone can have an off day doesn't seem fair. and everyone has different skill sets, but not the same opportunity to develop them.”

- Holly, Loft store associate manager

Bridging Sales and Customer Reviews

“Right now, there’s no tool that does both feedback / reviews and sales. It’s not always the case that sales is directly correlated with customer reviews, but it helps give context on how the other is acting. Both tools are a good tracker.”

- Amanda, T-mobile store manager

Fun Visuals

“Work is serious, but for me personally, i like to have fun in my job. Retail is very a lot, and i don’t want to just look at black and be boring.”

- Holly, Loft store associate manager

Design Principles

Staff User

Our Solution

Our Solution

“Everything is user-friendly. It has the necessary information that a retail manager would need, and the ratings from the team and the customer would definitely help drive the business.”

- Sam, small business owner

Key Screens

Key Screens

Design Process

Design Process Timeline

My workflow was centered around an agile design sprint framework of 1-week user testing and iterations.
Monday - Tuesday
Competitive analysis and user research / testing to inform the design decisions
Tuesday - Wednesday
Ideate & Decide
Sourced key takeaways from user research / testing to collaborate and iterate on design solutions
Thursday - Friday
Prototype & Validate
Create low-fi wireframes for user testing and a second round of hi-fi prototypes

Ideating a Solution

Based on my design principles and user research, I created wireframes based on relevant metrics, reduced cognitive overload, and manager customization for a round of user testing.
Style Guide
I wanted to emphasize the design principles through the branding of this product after feedback during user research. I encompassed this through bright colors, friendly imagery, and clear typography.


After the final round of testing on the hi-fidelity prototype, users were happy to see that their managerial needs were met by this design. For them, it was easy to understand that their business goals would clearly be linked with an improvement of tracking customer service and sales analytics. This was a fun project and satisfying to see the users' needs met. In the future, if I had more time and budget, I would like to invest more in my user testing and research.
Next Project //

Liff Happens